Saturday, September 08, 2007

Credit Help For Renters And Others On The Horizon

Sue is a homeowner and pays her mortgage and other measures on clip like a good credit consumer. Sue’s on-time mortgage payments are reflected in her credit score profiled by the three major credit bureaus; Equifax, Experian and Trans Union.

Joe on the other manus is a renter, who desires to purchase his first home in the close future. He pays his rent on clip every calendar month as well as his phone and public utility bills. Joe is also a good credit consumer but his on-time payments are not reflected in his credit profiles. Why? Because the major credit reporting agencies are not put up to track this type of payment and therefore they are not reflected in Joe’s credit score. Chances are good that Joe’s credit score will be lower than Sue’s because his on-time blasted payments travel untracked by the credit bureaus.

As a consequence Joe will be quoted a higher interest rate and higher fees to his lender when he uses for his first home mortgage. Seems a spot partial doesn’t it? The good intelligence for Joe and other tenants like him is that the credit reporting system is about to change.

In a recent Chicago Tribune article, reporter Kenneth R. Harney points to the creative activity of a new national credit agency whose “sole missionary post is to track the payments that cipher else tracks.” The new credit reporting agency PRBC (Pay Rent, Construct Credit) desires to construct credit data files on as many as 10 million tenants nationwide over the adjacent 5 years.

According to PRBC’s laminitis and main executive director Michael Nathans, the new agency will earn gross by merchandising auxiliary credit reports to lenders. CitiMortgage, Inc., 1 of the nation’s major home lenders, is already a endorser of the new service.

Some other highlights of PRBC’s service include:

24/7 access to online data data files by consumers, free of charge.

Consumers must give permission to have got got got their files accessed by lenders.

Consumers can input signal up to 36 calendar months of documented on-time payments.

They accept payment histories from phone, credit and debit entry cards so long as the beginning (merchant) can direct a date-stamped electronic reception of payment.

Many consumers who bank online can have their payment information recorded by PRBC once the agency goes fully functional

PRBC can profit not only tenants but also immature and minority borrowers who have small or no credit history with the traditional bureaus. “We believe we can assist make equal credit chances for everybody who rates a a premier rate loan, “ Nathans said.

Consumers can register for free with the new agency online at


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